
 At 49 years old, our friend Steve died. 

He leaves a mother and step-dad, his sister, his wife, and three beautiful children.

Steve's story is only unique in that he was also a beloved high school choir director. Therefore, he also leaves hundreds of students and us, his close friends. 

How to say goodbye and simultaneously honor his life.....the only way we know how--- To Sing!

110 people gathered yesterday at Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton, New Jersey to sing and to uplift Steve's family and our fellow mourners in song. We sang "The Tree" by David Lockart, "Into the West" from the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King by Fran Walsh, Howard Shore, Annie Lennox (Arr. by Alan Billingsley), and the beloved and glorious Peter Lutkin benediction "The Lord Bless You and Keep You."

We joined the congregation gathered for hymns "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and "Amazing Grace" and we heard comfort in scripture and a brief homily from Psalm 98 and Romans 8:31-35, 37-39. Steve's young son offered amazing reflections alongside two college friends. 

As we sang we could feel Steve's presence and resounding tenor voice fill the room with us. 

We truly were singing with the heavenly angels. 

Below are just a few photos of the church and our beloved Westminster Choir College which trained us  in this art of  joining together with other humans to sing, to praise, and to offer beauty to this world. 

Steve, we commend you to heaven and wait to join you in God's glorious choirs!

Princeton University, right next door to the church.

Westminster Choir College
The campus library.

Our first dorm.
The Student Center


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